Op zondag 3 september werd voor de vijfde keer de Oldtimer Hakseldag Espelo georganiseerd in Holten. In totaal gaven er 10 hakselaars acte de présence tijdens deze editie. Het weer was schitterend en de maïs stond er mooi op. De organisatie had het weer goed geregeld allemaal. Ook aan transport was geen gebrek.
On Sunday September the 3rd the fifth bi-annual ‘Oldtimer maize harvesting day Espelo’ was organised in the Dutch town of Holten. 10 maize harvesters were seen in action during this edition. The weather was magnificent and the maize was looking good. The organisation of this event has once again done a very good job. There was also plenty of transport available for the maize crop.
In order of appearance:
Ford 7000 + PZ Zweegers MH 160 & Schuitemaker trailer
Massey Ferguson 165 + PZ Zweegers MH 80 S & Schuitemaker trailer
Ford 5000 + New Holland 708 & Fristein trailer
MF 165 + Landsberg 1 row & Schuitemaker trailer
John Deere 3020 + JD 1 row & Fristein trailer
Deutz D 7206 + PZ Zweegers MH-80 & Schuitemaker trailer
John Deere 4020 + JD 35 & Schuitemaker trailer
John Deere 2120 + Mengele 1 row
Renault 89 + Schuitemaker trailer
Steyr 658 + Krone 1 row
Someca + Schuitemaker trailer
Same Falcon + Fristein trailer
John Deere 4020 + levelling board
International 633 + Kemper Mais-Wolf
Steyr 630 + Schuitemaker trailer
International 844-S + Schuitemaker trailer
Güldner C75 + Claas Jaguar 40
Fendt Farmer 103S Turbomatik + Schuitemaker trailer
IH Farmall 706 + Schuitemaker trailer
Fordson Super Major + Fristein trailer
Massey Ferguson 135 + Schuitemaker trailer
Zetor 3711 + Schuitemaker trailer
Ford 4000 + Schuitemaker trailer
Also watch my video of the 2015 event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1zumABmA9c
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